THE PULSE of Prince of Peace
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church newsletter.
Board of Social Ministry:
Prince of Peace will be having a food drive for the Hemet/San Jacinto Community Pantry. Because of the COVID-19, many people have lost their jobs either temporary or permanent. We will start collecting August 1st thru December 1st. With your generous donations we will make two deliveries. There will be boxes in the Narthex for the food collections. Please no glass jars or bottles. Some suggestions:
cold or hot cereal instant potatoes
powdered milk peanut butter
canned fruit, soup, vegetables stew, chili, pork & beans
canned meats, tuna jello, puddings, cake mix
pasta, rice, beans pancake mix, crackers
Birth Choice
Once corporate services at church are resumed, please bring any baby bottles that have not been turned in to service or drop them off off at the church office.
Thank you for your contribution to Birth Choice to allow pregnant mothers the choice of not choosing abortion but LIFE.